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Master Parts and Accessories Catalog FPS 8096-A October 1986
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1973 79 section 71 TRUCK SERIES 1iOiO 500 IRAN5 I YEAR MODEL RESTRICTIONS SPD TYPE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY J2 Q lNGER ITRANSMISSIQN GEARSHIFTj A 73 77 B F500 5 CBTZ 7247 A 5 lb 24 one end X 7 16 other end X I j2 11 l Ion use w Clark 280 trans lQt 2 E AINER NSMlSS N GEARSHIFT glT0il l QIOOT 73 77 B F50O 4 5 TZ 7262 C Qlw 1 0 X 7 3 lb long X 5 12 1s wide X 1 1 4 thick 7277 T TRA SSION QEARSHIFT LEVE ggAgijy 7220 B F5OO 4 5 DQLQQ A l nc udes retainer all exc New Process I 73 77 B F500 P350 500 4 5 BBT 7277 A L3 OID X 2 1 8 high use w New Process 1 135 and 542 trans 73 F100 250 4 W D 4 D3TZ 7277 A Transfer case shift lever I j100 350 4 0 D Trans shift lever boot 1 73 7e i F100 350 4 C6 TZ 7B11El A 7 5 B2 X 6 9 1e at base 5 15 l6 to 4 1 1e 1 a er on boot 5 3 lb high 77 j100 350 4 exc 0 D DZIL 7kA Trans shift lever 1 i mx emo aso 4 oauz 7277 A 1 ID282 ER TRANSMISSIONjZONTROL SELl Q QjLLQ ljR iwt f100 350 4 NP435 E L 7Q j fL AIso Serv in 7210 assy I 73 7si F100 350 j g0 N jg l in roll 1 B 0 D X 1 1 84 ion 1 305 8 S h l l in roll 3 1o 0 D X 1 1 B Ion I 0 Bgg r to Tre sion Pags List Section ZQ gag I g 302 ER ASSLQRANSMQSSION GEARSHI yQ g LE l QL s 3 D2 Z2l A 1 I 7 3 F100 250 M S 3 D 3TZ 7302 B Intermediate and high 1 lL LQ9 L ss s 1 jl00 250 jS 3 D3 L 7 jk f Intermediate and high Y I 73 751 P350 500 3 CITT 7302 0 Intermediate and high 2 1 2 center 1 i ito center of holes g 73 77 P350 500 3 35 560 57 359 washer spring gear shift tube 1 i shifter lever 7 B r 87907 58 I 3 fitting shifter lever Iubricator 1 g 44 strai ht 302 ER ASSLQRANSMQLSION GEARSHIl QBj gZ jLg 1ngj1E ilERSE SHIFT 7 E100 300 3 D3jLQ A M 1 73 F100 250 M S 3 D3TZ 7303 B EI 1 2 center to center of holes I ll E100 350 3 1 F100 250 S X 3 D LE kA AL0w and reverse 1 Paso 500 3 CLIlLE Q Ql center to center of holes I 73 77 P350 500 3 351560 S7 359 washer spring gearshift tube I jhifter lever 7 8 87907 S8 I 3 fitting shift lever lubricator I 1 I1 strai ht Q3 thru 73Q er to Tr ssi0n Pegg List Section Jgge L n j31 CKET l RA NSMISSIlyll GEARSHIFT l S EERIN QQ LUMN lg E100 300 3 C QL A 1 73 77 P350 500 3 I 01A 7318 for remote contro 2 5 8 wide I J3IQ Wg LP TRANSMISSION GEQIRSHIFT TUBE ariiL E i lj lj j l lllll J BRACKET 73 77 PB50 500 3 COAA 7319 For remote contr0l 2 5 8 wide 1 4 i L2 5 Io 18 holes 73 77 P350 500 3 20466 58 IB 61 bolt gearshift tube and steering 2 column bracket cap attach 5 lo 18 X Ic I 2 for remote control i Q Q S7 I t 4 Iockwasher 5 Io 2 Yt0ber 1986 COPYFIIEHT 1986 r E EEG i50i iN Micuicm COMPANY New ISSUQ